1° Degree Difference

by Sam Reader,
S.G. Reader & Associates, Inc.

I’m sure most of you would agree that hot water is a great medium – one we might even take for grated. Imagine life with out hot water: the hot drinks, hot tubs, clean laundry, to name a few. There are very few of us out there who live without it. It is, for the most part, available to all.

Steam is another medium. With steam, one can do all of the above plus more – much more. Steam is power. It can generate electricity, move a locomotive across the continent, and power a ship across the transatlantic.
Sometime ago, I asked a scientist the difference between these two mediums – hot water vs. steam. He said, “The difference is a phenomenon – science at its best. In many cases, what differentiates steam from hot water is less than 1°.” The scientist’s statement had a profound effect on me in terms of human nature. I found it to be fascinating how one medium could do so much more than the other, differentiated on by 1°.

May I suggest that many of us are less than 1° away from having so much more. Like hot water, most of us are working with a great medium – one you might even take for granted, such as providing comfortably for yourself and family, recognition as a doctor, and the talent, skill, and gift of healing the sick. Imagine life without these payoffs. Like hot water, there are very few of us out there who live without these basic comforts. It is, for the most part, available to all. So what about those few who seem to have all the above plus more? The key factor hinges on this 1° thing that magically transforms behavior.

The beauty of the 1° theory is that there is nothing magical about it! It is a scientific principle that holds no prejudice, opinion, bias or favors. It doesn’t care if you are a N.U.C.C.A. or Gonstead practitioner or both; whether you are straight or mixing; black or white; male or female. Like steam, it is a power available to all and understood by few. The scientist put it best, “The process is phenomenal, not magical – it’s science.”
So, what is the 1° difference?


It is what you are willing to put yourself through in order to be more, have more, and share more. In fact, one who has a perfect willingness never consciously thinks of “what I am willing to put myself through” they just do it! Consciously, they do not see themselves as being brave, bold, or daring – they just do it!

It is an unquestionable desire that will beat all odds – risk it all, even the loss of an image. Interestingly, they (normally) never tout what they do have, as this is a sure sign of things they don’t have. They are not broadcasters.

It is a quiet power that works like no other drug. It is stimulating, activating and addictive. It is creative power in its purest form. Perfect willingness is fueled by deep, deep down desire.

I suggest you take a personal inventory of who you are and what you want – what you really want! Do you want bigger numbers, more time, more fun, more joy, more peace, more fulfillment, more respect, or more money?

You cannot fool or fake perfect willingness. It’s real – either you have it or you don’t have it. If you have tried using money, time, and respect to find your “perfect willingness” hot button and you keep going flat – you haven’t found it. If your spouse and/ or significant other, self–help books and seminars keep giving you the rah-rah, make–me-feel-good stuff and you keep going flat – you haven’t found it. Perfect willingness does not work sporadically, nor is it short lived. Perfect willingness is there for the long haul, having no regard for pain and discomfort along the way.

It is the very essence of your innermost, deep down desires. No wonder so few achieve the 1° difference! Not that the transformation from one medium to the next is so difficult – it is in the honest appraisal of who you are and what you really want.