By: Sam Reader
If you haven’t guessed by now, I never have, nor will I ever believe that low new patients are your primary problem. Low new patients are typically a manifestation of an underlying invisible barrier. I say “typically” because there are a few exceptions where the clinic suffers and unexpected blow due to an earthquake, hurricane or tornado; embezzlement; the economy; insurance; and/or computer breakdown … to name a few. Although these unfortunate catastrophes may be legitimate reasons for low new patients, you could say that these types of barriers are visible (obvious); and even though they are no easier to fix than the invisible barriers, they do provide a peaceful reassurance – releasing the doctor from any responsibility for no “ new ones” coming in.
I agree, these may be considered natural catastrophes. Even so, we undeniably have the personal responsibility to avoid such vulnerabilities and pitfalls.
Overcoming such barriers (visible and invisible) is a level of consciousness that is contingent upon one’s sense of purpose.
I have worked with doctors whose primary purpose is making money. We all want money. Wanting money and being driven by money are two different mind sets. One who is truly driven by money believes that anything goes. “If it means uprooting my family, leaving my friends, moving to a fishing hole where I feel my odds are much greater in order to more quickly meet my financial desires, so be it. “ I have seen that many of these folks don’t even like where they are going to practice! Again, their ultimate purpose is money – not aesthetics.
There are some who are driven by security. These people may up and move, but for different reasons. Their consciousness level is status quo. “I don’t want any surprises in my life; by preparing for the inevitable, I can avoid surprises and maintain my safety zone.”
Whether the purpose is money or security, when dealing with visible and/or invisible barriers the result is the same – a motivated, decisive doctor willing to take control!
My concern for many of the “wanna be” hitter doctors lies in this next category – those driven by recognition. This type of person is often described as the “salt of the earth” – well meaning, hardworking, would give you the shirt off his/her back sort of guy. Like those driven by money and security, they too are driven by a greater sense of consciousness. Unfortunately, vulnerability is no stranger to their lives – it inevitably serves as a springboard for the ultimate destroyer – self sabotage. These well meaning, good intentioned doctors have a high drive to be liked and loved by everyone – to be all things to all people. Their approach to dealing with barriers in the clinic is different than those driven by money and/or security.
Let’s take a look at the invisible barriers as they relate to those driven by recognition. The ultimate goal of day-to-day peace of mind is feeling that everyone is happy. Where the doctor driven by money has occupied his time and energy with the size of his deposit, the doctor of recognition has dedicated his time and energy to patient and staff comfort and happiness. Furthermore, if the doctor of recognition is barely holding his inner circle of routine patients together by using such control tactics of giving more and being more, any new patient will be deemed as more work, more stress, more responsibility, and ultimately more people to make happy. Doctors of recognition are also at risk for those they perceive they can’t help. Hence – new patient qualifying. Doctors of recognition are superb qualifiers. They have a sixth sense for selecting only those they feel they can help. Club requirements for the inner circle are strict – eliminating unnecessary hurt, harm, and unhappiness.
Doctors driven by money are superb qualifiers as well. Take a wild guess as to how they quality?
REMEMBER THIS ONE THING: It is not the subtotal of one’s energy that matters as much as where that energy is placed.
Confrontation is the mother lode of fear for those driven by recognition. Many treatment recommendations, money talk, and staff evaluations have been sacrificed at the expense of putting another at odds with one’s beliefs and feelings. The doctors of recognition shy away from perceived conflict and dissention. Again, their ultimate purpose is peace, harmony, and being liked. With these kinds of restrictions placed on the new patient, it stands to reason that building a high new patient base is a constant struggle; hence, an invisible and underlying cause for low “new ones”
Doctors of recognition as it relates to the visible barriers: A visible barrier may be an obvious staffing and/or staff problem. Where the doctor of money or security will restructure or terminate a situation for ultimate security or bigger deposits, the doctor of recognition is reluctant to clean house. He will live with what “is” and will sink with his ship to avoid the anxiety of hurt, harm, and unhappiness.
For the doctor of recognition, the greater good or higher consciousness in building a successful clinic has nothing to do with more money or ultimate security … it is simply being loved and liked along the way.
It has been my experience that this sort of energy is less than effective and is frustratingly impossible in building a hitter clinic. Ironic, isn’t it, how one’s goodness (that is, one’s mission not to step on toes or to hurt feelings) can create such badness (that is, living from hand-to-mouth, feeling resentful about one’s profession or patients).
Don’t get me wrong, there are many hitter clinics out there driven by doctors of recognition. In fact, some of the biggest, slickest clinics are those driven by such doctors. How can this be? Because, generally speaking, they are “salt of the earth” well meaning, hardworking, give the shirt off their back type of folks that people are naturally drawn to. It’s just that with a little awareness, these doctors of recognition have been able to develop a keen sense of identifying and removing practice barriers, ultimately achieving the successful practice.