Patient Retention & the Micro-moments of Patient Education (part II)
by Sam Reader 

I’ve always believed that a clinic can grow no faster than its most educated patient, and that a clinics most educated patient is no smarter or stronger than its staff.

second in a series incorporating the micro-moments:  “Did You Know?”  This true/false test is usually given within the first re-exam, sometime during the tenth and twelfth visit.  Unlike many spinal care classes where patients attention span usually shuts down after the first five minutes of a forty minute monotone monologue from the doctor, the “Did You Know?”  test is quick, easy, literally pulling the patient into focus and thinking.

In our pursuit to educate patients in maximizing an opportunity for a healthier and productive lifestyle through Chiropractic, there are a couple thoughts worth repeating from Part I of Patient Retention & the Micro-Moments of Patient Education.

Many families no longer live in the era of Ward and June Cleaver (Leave it to Beaver) where mom and dad have expendable time for the week. Time, for these families, is a precious commodity. I keep using the term “Family” because most doctors tell me they want to build Family Practices.

Dilemma: How is one to build patient retention through education while competing for the patient’s time?

Answer: Small windows of teaching opportunities sometimes referred to as micro-moments.

Solution: In a random survey among patients throughout the country, I was surprised at how many patients could not respond to basic questions, such as;

1. Why are there so many visits?
2. How do you know when I’m done?
3. Am I fixed when the pain is gone?
4. I feel better; I think I’m cured?
5. What is a subluxation?

Interestingly, many of these patients have attended the mandatory spinal care class. I was also surprised at how many staff members could not answer these basic questions.

Micro-moments are much like political sound bites, well-worded phrases easily remembered.
Micro-moments make the most of a student’s attention span, six to eight minutes on the average.
Micro-moments take place throughout the patient’s care.
Micro-moments come in such small dosages it literally becomes a pain-free learning experience for the patient.

Enclosed is a sample of a second in a series incorporating the micro-moments: “Did You Know?” This true/false test is usually given within the first re-exam, sometime during the tenth and twelfth visit. Unlike many spinal care classes where patients attention span usually shuts down after the first five minutes of a forty minute monotone monologue from the doctor, the “Did You Know?” test is quick, easy, literally pulling the patient into focus and thinking.

Once the patient completes the test the doctor is free to address those questions they missed. Some doctors have turned this into an enjoyable experience where the patients can help themselves to a treat box (powerbars, etc.) if they miss no more than three or four answers on the test.

In essence, teaching and learning can/should be an enjoyable process building on the patients education, the lifeblood for lifelong care.

If the following questions for the test do not fit your style, change them. Make the most of the micro-moments.

1. The nervous system and spine are connected. T F
2. A subluxation is a bone out of place applying pressure to nerve. T F
3. Organs (stomach, heart, liver, etc.) are controlled by healthy nerves. T F
4. Subluxation can cause conditions and diseases. T F
5. An emotional stress may cause a vertebral subluxation. T F
6. Certain chemicals can cause a vertebral subluxation. T F
7. A physical stress can cause a vertebral subluxation. T F
8. Medical doctors specialize in detecting and removing vertebral
subluxation. T F
9. The heart is the first organ that develops in the human body. T F
10. A newborn can get subluxated during delivery. T F
11. Drugs can correct vertebral subluxation. T F
12. Spinal exercising can correct vertebral subluxation. T F
13. Children rarely experience back pain. T F
14. Scoliosis can only be detected in adults T F
15. Women with osteoporosis should not be adjusted. T F
16. 80% of headaches are caused from problems in the neck. T F
17. Chiropractic care can boost the immune system. T F
18. People with constipation can benefit from chiropractic care. T F
19. Chiropractic was discovered in Japan T F
20. A child with a high fever can benefit from chiropractic care. T F
21. The best treatment for most disc problems is spinal fusion surgery T F
22. If I’m sick I should not see my chiropractor. T F
23. Diet, exercise, positive mental attitude, and regular chiropractic care
can lead to optimal health. T F