What Do You Sell?


Compliments of Sam Reader

S.G. Reader & Associates, Inc.

In Part I, we identified that patients want to buy hope.  They will buy hope when the doctor’s passion comes through the sell.  This passion only comes about when there is an absolute proven definition or road map in the doctor’s mind.  As this journey becomes clear to the patient and the healing process is completing, the patient experiences the relief of misery and sickness, which translates into joy and approval.  The patient’s  appreciation and gratitude towards the doctor is undeniably soul satisfying.  Herein lies the doctor’s desire to repeat the process – passion is born.

            The road map of what the doctor might sell has traditionally been broken down under the following:

1.) Pain Relief:  The goal is simple, get patient out of pain ASAP.  Patient retention lies somewhere between 9 and 20 visits before patient disappears.  The life blood for a pain relief clinic is new patients – lots of them!

2.) Spinal Function:  The goal is to free the spine from fixations and/or eliminate hypomobility, creating proper mobility within the vertebral spine.  Patient retention lies somewhere between 22 and 45 visits before patient quietly fades away.  It is not uncommon for many patients within this clinic to feel confused as to why they keep coming back.  After all, they are out of pain and the insurance has stopped paying many visits ago.

3.) Spinal Change:  The goal is spinal correction – literally reshaping the curvature within the vertebral spine.  Patient retention lies somewhere between 45 and 65 visits before the doctor attempts to place patient on a maintenance program.  The doctor’s anxiety tends to run a little higher in these clinics when the predictable outcome is in question with respect to the post x-rays.  The doctor also runs weary, encouraging patients to keep up with home exercises so there will be a noticeable outcome.

4.) Subluxation:  The goal is to remove vertebral subluxations from the vertebral spine.  This allows the nervous system to work unimpaired, maximizing communication to the end-organ.  These clinics tend to be driven by a deep rooted philosophy in chiropractic.  Patient retention lies somewhere between 65 and 95 visits.  These clinics usually lean towards high volume, low fee – all cash for services rendered.  Not uncommon for doctor to prematurely break down physically in his/her career.

5.) Organ malfunction:  The goal is to repair the ailing organ by way of spinal manipulation, acupuncture/acupressure, nutrition and any other therapy within the scope of practice.  Patient retention lies somewhere between 15 and 20 visits before patients feels they can no longer afford care.  It is not uncommon for a patient within this clinic to feel they are being nickeled and dimed with each and every visit.  Many patients are inconsistent when taking their supplements for fear they will run out and have to buy more.  Mood swings for these doctors tend to run from low to high.  Understandably, although the work can be fulfilling and rewarding, it is often thwarted by the patients deteriorating interest and the high overhead associated with supplements and outside diagnostic testing.

            Although pluses and minuses can be found in each of these categories, it remains vital to have a road map or definition to create clarity leading to a sense of hope and security for the patient.  I have found this traditional breakdown of categories of what the doctor might sell to be more beneficial in mapping in his/her mind the end-sale, which tends to favor musculo-skeletal (pain/strain) as opposed to creating clarity within the patient’s mind an understanding of the (cause and effect) relationship between the nervous system and end-organ dysfunction as it relates to the musculo-skeletal.

            The remedy is simple.  Why not supercharge this traditional breakdown of categories by overlaying a visual template defined by patient phases or levels.  Regardless of the traditional category you adhere to, be it pain, function, change, subluxation or malfunction; the template will only enhance your communication by repositioning the patient’s mind set from pain, strain and low back pain (musculo-skeletal) to a greater and broader understanding of chiropractic.  In essence, the template will supercharge or help justify in the patient’s mind why they want to start and/or continue care.

            Enclosed is a sample template.  This is a sample only.  Please feel free to modify conditions to the phase or level that complements your technique, philosophy, and/or traditional category.

Be clear.  Be honest.  Be strong.  Enjoy!



Pain, illness and disease manifest because of structural, biochemical or emotional irritations.  When you ignore the symptoms, the body will progress to the next phase of level of disease.


Robs your energy!  Hurts your enjoyment of life!  Makes work difficult!

  1. Pain with reduced movement: neck pain, back pain, headaches, pinched nerves, etc.
  2. Structural problems that don’t have pain yet: scoliosis, short leg syndrome, etc.
  3. Inflammatory conditions: arthritis, digestion problems, bursitis, frequent cold/flu, sinuses, etc.
  4. Causes interference with the nerve flow between your brain and your body.


Interrupts your life so you miss fun events and lose work time/money!

  1. Nerve interference to your organs causes your organs to malfunction.
  2. Examples:  Allergies, constipation, peptic ulcers, spastic colon, heart palpitations, eczema, dizziness, ear infections, premenstrual cramps, heartburn, etc.


Crippling diseases that make you depend on other people for basic life functions!

  1. Organ malfunction causes debilitating diseases that last for years.
  2. Examples:  Sleep deprivation, joint degeneration, diabetes, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, diverticulitis, arteriosclerosis, lupus, osteoporosis, hypertension, dimensia, etc.


Can lead to death!

Cancer, heart attack, stroke, etc.